Phpbb forum

i am trying to install PHPBB forum… i uploaded all the files amd then when i go to install the forum…
no matter what i put into the database password - it won’t accept it… suppossed to be my cpanel password/vpanel password - but nothing i got from my account is accepted… getting a little frustrated at this point… i’m only putting info that yer site gives me.

What error do you see?

Could not connect to the database, see error message below.

Connection refused

i’m putting in the right password

You need to use the database host and database name from the “MySQL Databases” section of the Control Panel, along with the hosting account username and password that can be found by logging into your Client Area, clicking on your hosting account, scrolling down to “Account Details” and clicking on “Show/Hide” to show the password, to connect to the database.


i have the right info… just when i enter the password it refuses the connection

Connection refuses means the database connection cannot be setup. This doesn’t say anything about your password, because your script can’t try to login if it can’t setup a connection to login with.

Can you double check that you’re using the correct database hostname? You can find that one in the control panel.

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