Refresh SSL with External DNS

Is it required to use InfinityFree’s DNS to refresh a SSL certificate or can I do it if I have the records in my own CloudFlare account configuration?

You can’t make DNS records on InfinityFree itself. You can use CNAME records though.

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That doesn’t have anything to do with what was posted and it’s incorrect.

Then what do you mean by having to use InfinityFree’s DNS to refresh (update?) a SSL certificate?

The fact that you don’t know what I meant shows you shouldn’t be trying to give me advice on a solved matter.

It is not required, but for InfinityFree’s system to see both of the ACME challenge DNS entries you may have to keep refreshing the status until both work and the certificate can be requested.

Obviously the DNS entries aren’t going away so I don’t know why the system stops seeing them.

Okay, in this imperfect world (or whatever you think) nobody knows everything. So yes, I do appreciate your criticism. Next, DNS changes TAKE awhile to show up. (DNS propagation is in effect.)

You just need to have the CNAME records set up on your domain name. We provide instructions on how to use it with our nameservers (because that’s what most people will be using), but there is nothing stopping you from setting up the CNAME records on another DNS provider of your choice.


Yeah, I eventually found that out. When using Cloudflare I had to refresh over and over because it kept switching back and forth between one being found and the other not being found.

Today it isn’t doing that, every time I hit Refresh DNS Status it finds both DNS entries. Maybe users just need to set up their DNS entries in Cloudflare as DNS Only instead of Proxied and wait for a while for Cloudflare to duplicate the settings across its network, although I can’t imagine why that would matter.

Good point about the Cloudflare settings: the CNAME record MUST be DNS Only. If the record is proxied by Cloudflare, any external DNS lookup tool will see the domain name points to Cloudflare, not the actual destination. Both our CNAME verification and Let’s Encrypt’s DNS validation won’t work with this.

Cloudflare is usually quite quick to distribute the DNS records globally (less than a minute). But do note that due to DNS resolvers and caches sitting in between, it can still take a while for the record to be seen everywhere.

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