SSL free

Ok! For each of the CNAME records in the client area(The first picture you sent me), do the following:

  1. Copy the value of the Record Name row, and paste it to the Record Name field in the control panel.
  2. Select the right domain name from the Domains dropdown in the control panel.
  3. Copy the value of the Destination row, and paste it to the Destination field in the control panel.
  4. Click the Add button.


I add and nothing comes out
Thank You

Just Understanding here, You followed the steps and pressed the add button, and in your client area, there is no certificate?
Do you see this notification(Yellow header):

That’s how it is


How long has it been since you made the cname records


about three hours

For now, you’ll need to wait. DNS changes can take up to 24 hours to take effect.
If you urgently want to continue, I suggest making a new SSL request, but instead of GoGetSLL, use Let’sEncrypt. I use Let’sEncrypt, and the result was fast. Don’t know the estimated wait time for GoGetSSL


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Perfect. But why do you put this on me?
This SSL provider requires additional verification to issue your certificate. Please click the pending certificate for more information.

Configure las comprobaciones de validación que se muestran arriba. Tan pronto como se complete la validación, crearemos su certificado SSL.

Firstly, I’m not putting this on you, Servers take time to respond to changes in their system. Secondly, what you said:

The “Additional Verification” is the CNAME record verification. There is not another verification on top of that. My suggestion is to try doing this again with Let’sEncrypt because When I was on this step with my website:

I used Let’sEncrypt and the CNAME records were verified in around 1 hour.



Thank you. You have solved all my problems. Thank you very much again.

It won’t let me re-register that domain … so I have to wait

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Ok! The deletion wait time is 1 day, so you can delete it from the same page! :grinning:



If you have any problems tomorrow, don’t hesitate to ask! Have a great day!



How can I remove it?
thank you

Remove the SSL certificate?

Before they grant it to me

Just Delete it after one day, If you get it before the deletion date then, your problem is solved

The deletion is in the same page as the record name, destination, private key… Just at the bottom

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