Hi, my site today has stopped working SSL, I tried to install a new one through “” but I can’t, error “” appears when trying to install a new certificate. Can someone help me? My site is

(click on the blue link to get in the full post)

This is not a good answer for us… it is not possible to use Let’s Encrypt certificates (and by extension) on InfinityFree.
So please let us know at ones how to get this work… the SSL certificate and how to set up our web secure. I went to many free SSL web pages but any one works with infinity free… please whats the solution and the steps one by one to get this corrected.

From the same article I posted:

Let’s Encrypt also offers TXT record validation. But the InfinityFree control panel does not support setting TXT records. If you are using your own nameservers, you may be able to set TXT records and get your Let’s Encrypt certificate.

So, how to configure your own nameservers to point to InfinityFree? Login to your domain registrar’s panel, and change the nameservers of your domain to the default ones. Then, from the DNS management tool of your domain registrar, create two CNAME records, one with as name your domain name and as value the Main Domain. How to find your Main Domain.
The other one will have as name www, and as value the domain name you added the record on.
There also is an MX record, that should be set to with as name the domain that we used to add CNAME records before, and as priority 10. After that, save the changes and wait some hours to the changes to be applied.

After that, do the “Manual Verification (DNS)” method on after inputting the domain you want to get an SSL certificate, and put the TXT records as shown on that screen on the domain registrar’s DNS management panel. If your domain registrar complains about putting as TTL value 1, put a TTL equal to 300 on the TXT records and wait 5 minutes. Then click on the tab on the button to download the SSL certificate and follow this guide to install the certificate after it’s generated. Note that you may need to repeat the steps after the certificate expires, and wait some time for SSL propagation!

The last step is to force all traffic to HTTPS.

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