SSL issue

Hi, I have my own domain and want to add SSL Certificate to my subdomain to.


and I want to add SSL to:

I tried it with cloudflare but my subdomain just don’t work under https (it return a SSL error).

Now I’m trying the Infinite Free SSL tool and I dont know how to proceed.

thanks in advance for the help.

PS: Sorry for any language error, I’m not a native speaker.

Hello there,

Couldflare SSL uses wildcard by default meaning all your subdomains of your root domain should be covered with the SSL certificate.

You may try to ask the Cloudflare Community for support as well.


What SSL error do you mean?

@UnknownLolz Cloudflare stopped using wildcard SSL certificates, they now issue domain specific ones for new sites as far as I can tell.


Apparently solved it… After remove my domain from Cloudflare and starts the migration to the SSL tool from Infinity, my site goes down. I didn’t know it was a problem on the server and I restarted the process.

Halfway through, I found out about the server problems (yesterday), so, I went to sleep, woke up today and started trying through Cloudflare, now my subdomain is working over SSL too.

In the process, I discovered how to use subdomains in the SSL tool provided by Infinity, it was simpler than I imagined, and if I need it in the future, I will already know what to do.

Thank you for your willingness to help!


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