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The “I’m under attack” mode or the “bot fight” setting in Cloudflare is the best way. But no system is perfect.


what about brute force attacks?

It will stop those.


alright I’ll try that

In my experience, Cloudflare isn’t that good at stopping spam. The bot protection system we have is more effective than Cloudflare, unless you put Cloudflare in “Under Attack” mode.

Is the money wasted if you spend it on services you need to host your website? Or is it just buying necessities?

Peak or average?

Either way, that’s a TON of traffic. 25 concurrent users average is not a small website, that’s millions of page views per day. That’s a big website.

In that case, premium hosting will probably be wasted money, because it may not be enough to run your website.


25 users active an a time peak, I only plan on making one thread active at a time/one thread active a day so max number of page views is below 50 if you were to ppl that make threads. Also I tell my users to use disqus version of site to comment in main chat/chatroom, so the number of views may be even lower

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