The Backup download Failure in All-In-One WP Migration

Due to the failure of transmission,
I uploaded the same files many times.
In the upload queue,
it shows the “accumulated” sum of the failure of transmissions request. I don’t know how to get rid of the problem.

Even I do other downloading work,
it just stays and stuck there.
I don’t know how to get rid of them.

I don’t know how to solve this problem.
Would you help me to solve this problem?

Please note that you should be able to edit your posts shortly after writing them. You don’t need to write 6 posts in sequence.

You can manage the transfer queue by right clicking in the appropriate boxes. For more detailed instructions, just search the web, because there are many, many articles about FileZilla on the internet.

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As shown in the following screendump, why the FTP transfer failed and cannot transfer wp-includes my domain

It seems like you’re connecting to the FTP server with Explicit TLS, but the Internet connection or the firewall is blocking the connection to it. Can you try to connect with Plain FTP instead? That should fix the issue.


Can you try to connect with Plain FTP instead?

How can I connect with Plain FTP?
What should I do to setup for the connect with Plain FTP?

Just select the “FTP” option in Filezilla and make sure to use port 21.

You may want to check this tutorial out:

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Just select the “FTP” option in Filezilla
How to select the “FT” option?
As shown in following screendump, is it right?

make sure to use port 22

As shown in the following screendump, my domain is specified to be 21.
Can I change it? How can I change it?

Oh that was a typo, sorry my mistake and yes you must use port 21.

I increase the timeout 200 and maximum number of retries 20
However, it still fails. It seems that no transfer at all.
How can I do?

I merged your FTP transfer issues topics. Please don’t create multiple topics about the same issue.

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