The site is experiencing technical difficulties

when I access my page in admin mode and normal appears this content.

my site

and is it normal for me not to be able to leave it with ssl certificate?

probably some codesare wrong. enable display errors from alter php config. that will show where’s the bug

You need to reinstall WordPress, because it says in Portuguese or Spanish that the site is having technical difficulties.

Do you have any video to explain how to do a reinstallation?

I can not get into the wordpress panel

Did you get an email from your WP ?


Okay, but I can not get into the wordpress panel to try and fix something.

You can use FTP access. Configure your FTP client with the credentials that you can find on the account where you installed WordPress and go to the htdocs folder on your domain.

Hi I’m having the same problem. I keep getting: The site is experiencing technical difficulties even though I have checked everything (and all seems ok) and upgraded wp
What can I DO?

Read the entire post before doing this. We already have resolved the problems on their side.

I already read the entire post
that’s why I clarified that I already reinstalled and upgraded wp
and it doesn’t work

If you’ve received an email from WordPress about the fatal recovery mode, click on that link and remove the plugins that cause that problem, or reinstall WordPress by using this tutorial, or again go to wp-content/plugins inside the htdocs and remove the faulty plugins.

so after I complain that the site isn’t working and you tell me to reinstall wp again my site gets suspended for exceeding cpu limits??
this is beyond nonesense

Your site doesn’t get suspended because you’re uploading with FTP, not via PHP, and doesn’t exceed CPU limits with FTP.

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just after I used softaculous…

The CPU usage calculations are only based on PHP script executions. FTP uploads and Softaculous installations do not count against your CPU usage. If your account hit the CPU limits after installing something with Softaculous, it was purely coincidental.

so how do you exceed cpu usage if the site is down and neither softaculous or ftp have an effect on it?

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What do you mean by “down” in this case?

A broken site can still receive traffic, and some broken sites can still require a lot of processing power to generate the error pages (and execute whatever code there was before the page crashed). So it’s entirely possible that a broken website exceeds the CPU limits.

esto mismo estoy esperimentando con mi pagina web

Please speak in English on this forum! I translated what you said in a quote powered by Google Translate:

The only solution is to use the tutorial from the Knowledge Base or reinstall WordPress. By reinstalling WordPress I mean you will lose all your data from before, so if the contents are in the database then you don’t need to improvise, otherwise reinstall it and start over.

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