Timehour is wrong between hosting and sql server. Can't be change.

In MYSQL, SELECT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP returns: 2018-02-15 19:28:28
In PHP, returns 2018-02-15 19:07:41.
The delay is 20’ aprox. Can’t figure how to change this setting, or how to fix it, but some DIFF sustractions in PHP returns in negative values cause this error.
Please provide help. Thanks in advance.

After a bit of research, the error is in mysql database. The configuration of the server is “EST” but is 20’ past from that time. No time is associated by that.

At 19:17 EST time, server
sql110.epizy.com shows: 19:39 configured as EST

If the time settings are bad, we need to fix that. Can you please tell me on which account you experience this issue?