Unable to connect to FTP server on port 21

Can confirm that I can still not access it with either the web or the local client option.

Same here. I cannot connect to FTP. getting error message 502 bad gateway


Can confirm that I can still not access it with either the web or the local client option.

Same ca’t connect on my ftp for a few hours, it say:

Error: Could not connect to server
Status: Waiting to retry…
Status: Resolving address of ftpupload.net
Status: Connecting to…
Error: Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity
Error: Could not connect to server

I need ftp be working ASAP :confused: thanks.

Same here, was able to use FTP early today but since then can’t log in

It’s not just InfinityFree. I have another site hosted elsewhere (but also based off of iFastNet) and I am having the same issue.

On that other host I am unable to connect through CPANEL or FileZilla.

Same with me. Before this i’m using another web hosting i able to connect using Filezilla. Please fix !

Unable to connect as well, using both Filezilla and MonstaFTP and both are unable to connect to the FTP.

Kindly suggest alternative solutions please?

same here, need solution ASAP.

i have this issue too

Both FileZilla and File Manager are unable to connect

Please Fix This issue as soon as possible

nope, both cannot connect to ftp

Cant access FTP on both cpanel and filezilla. No other way to update the files.

Where did the Admin go? Can you give us an update regarding this issue? Thanks!

nobody cares :smiley:

Same here won’t connect on Filezilla or Cpanel .

Ill jump on this too, yeah i cannot connect either

same here, I’ve registered account within last 12 hours and can’t connect neither using cpanel nor using filezilla

Please fix the issue, it is there since yesterday and it is hampering my work
Thanks in advance.