Unable to connect to MySQL Database No such file

i view the post for Unable to connect to MySQL Database but i have the correct servername and password but dont charge anything please help

the web browser never get an answer for the connection

The “No such file” error for a database connection is described in this article. Does it help you? https://infinityfree.net/support/common-mysql-errors/

No that don’t help me I checked before post in the forum I have the correct hostname like the article sql123.epizy.com but with my direction

Could you please give a bit more pointers on where to find the error? Like a URL or a code snippet? I took a quick look at both of your accounts but one looks empty and I could only find plain HTML on the other one.

<?php $server="sql306.epizy.com"; $user="USER"; $pass="PASSWORD"; $data="epiz_22370861_BaseBuroDeConvenciones"; $MConexion=mysqli_connect($server,$user,$pass,$data); if(!$MConexion){ header("location:mantenimiento.php"); } ?>

The php cant connect to the database


<?php $server="sql306.epizy.com"; $user="USER"; $pass="PASSWORD"; $data="epiz_22370861_BaseBuroDeConvenciones"; $MConexion=mysqli_connect($server,$user,$pass,$data); if(!$MConexion){ header("location:mantenimiento.php"); } ?>

And is this file on an account somewhere with the right credentials?

I try to connect with MySQL workbench and the error is cant connect to MySQL server (10060)

@Admin said:


<?php $server="sql306.epizy.com"; $user="USER"; $pass="PASSWORD"; $data="epiz_22370861_BaseBuroDeConvenciones"; $MConexion=mysqli_connect($server,$user,$pass,$data); if(!$MConexion){ header("location:mantenimiento.php"); } ?>

And is this file on an account somewhere with the right credentials?

Yes i have the correct credentials

so what can i do

so what can i do

Can you give me a URL on your account where you have this database script so I can check?