Website loading errors

Username epiz_28847943, Website URL:

Error Message

This site can’t be reached’s server IP address could not be found.



Other Information

My website is on ip address:
Also the SSL certificate I applied and uploaded using Let’s Encrypt but in status it says: No SSL certificate was found. It has been a week. May I get any help?

It seems you are using an unsupported WHOIS TLD. Can you make sure that your domain is active with your register (not expired) and that it is correctly attached to your account? Also, what does the “Status” say in the client area?

Take a look:

Hey Greenreader I understand you are trying to help. But this doesn’t work. So let admin see my problem and give advice ok. Thanks

Remember that this is a community forum, and if what we suggest doesn’t work, say so, but are you sure that you followed what is said in some of those topics? Also, it may take some time (could be days) before Admin responds (If he does at all), so you may want to let others have a shot at helping you, after all, that is why you posted here, because you want help.

I checked your domain name and it seems like there is no DNS record for your domain in our nameservers.

Did you try our Cloudflare integration before? If so, please enable and disable it. That should reset your DNS records.

If that doesn’t work, you can also remove the domain from your account and then add it again. That also recreates the DNS records.

Please remember that, as with all DNS records, it can take up to 72 hours for the site to be back up again everywhere due to DNS caching.

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