Website suspended for no reason?

Username (e.g. epiz_XXX) or Website URL

Error Message

MYSQL usage limits

Other Information

I apparently hit the limits of MySQL and I’m being forced to pay. I paid. Account still suspended?

Well, you are not forced to pay. If you did upgrade, please alert iFastNet of the issue, they will be able to “unsuspend” your website.

Showing a suspended page for 24 hours is being forced to pay? What other options do I have? This website is an essential component to my offerings. I don’t have the time to be wasting around because of “mysql usage limits” when I’m the only user and there’s 7 posts on a wordpress site? I did contact them and no reply yet.

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Update: it’s back. Thank you greenreader. I apologize for the frustration.


Not a problem. Note that if you use Cloudflare, bot traffic can overload some things. There is a way to turn it off in Cloudflare settings.

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