Who is admin?

That topic got bumped once again.

He’s a man, so he’s going with he.


Almost same for me too
I was born in India, but live in the US

:thinking: can I come to US too?


You don’t want to come to the U.S right now XD. It sucks (or at least in most places in the U.S).

Well I know? but it isn’t probably worse than where I live.

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AYYY my name sucks. I typically don’t care about my username when I first join, then decide later that I want to change it. A lot of times it’s too late and then I am sad that my name sounds so idiotic and I can’t do anything :sob: .

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SO TRUE @Thewebuser22
I am always wise about my usernames :slight_smile:

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u are correct. it is…not a place u want to be at currently

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OMG I didn’t knew you revolunized the whole web page.
It looks stunning and awesome, great job.


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@anon19508339 can I know the point of editing?
It was dual spoiled to ensure it was for HNG and thanking someone for giving credits is not bad in my point.

That’s actually an indirect promoting/advertising, If you really want to thank him, you can but please do not link to multiple different websites while thanking.


Kinda my bad, i didn’t notice that screenshot is in @HaydenANG 's website, you can edit it. But please do not show off these links especially if there’s a link to a different hosting provider.


Can I just say… AWESOME! I want you’re help. I don’t want to waste your time but can you help with my search engine? https://search.weatheralex1.gq/ doesn’t currently work

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It isn’t working because you got the domain recently


Maybe you can create a new topic for that.


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