Yourls on softaculous

I required yourls on softaculous app installer on my website but it’s unavailable while if it’s paid I’m ready to pay just resolve this issue :pray::pray:

YOURLS is disabled in our Softaculous installation, because URL shorteners are frowned upon on free hosting. Spammers love abusing (unprotected) URL shorteners to hide their malicious links using other people’s domain names.

You’re free to install it by hand though. Just please make sure that only you, or at least only people you know and trust, are able to create short links with it. If we find your site is being used to disguise malware links, we’re holding you responsible.

Premium hosting does include YOURLS in Softaculous. But you’re still responsible for making sure it’s not being abused.


Hello there, 3vil20.

Unfortunately, Yourls is not currently accessible on InfinityFree’s Softaculous program installer. You can still manually install Yourls by following the instructions on the official Yourls website.

To manually install it, download the newest version of Yourls from the official website, extract the files, and FTP them to your hosting account. To access the database, you will also need to establish a database and a user with proper permissions. After that, you can finish the installation by running the installation script.

If you require any additional support, please do not hesitate to ask.

In addition to Admin’s reply,
by default YOURLS only locks to you to be able to access it (the account details should be in the config files),
so if you are only having one account, and only you know the credentials, and you are not using it to redirect to a malicious site,you should be fine.

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