Epizy.com & Database Server is down

Sorry admin, this is mine https://drakor.cf/

My Site is http://dijitalakil.rf.gd/
Cant reach my database. Hope my database is okey. Many thanks, help please…

my site is back… Thanks admin.

Do you have a video teaching how to do this?

Thank you all for responding with the website URLs, it really helps!

I was able to check some of them. Surprisingly, as I was trying to get a connection error the database started to work again.

The broken nameserver also seems to be back up.

I’m not sure if it’s just flappy and will go down again or whether it’s properly resolved. I’m still waiting on a message from iFastNet with more information.

With “this” I assume you mean changing the database hostname?

I don’t have a video for that, because how to do that depends entirely on the software you’re using for your website and how it’s configured. In WordPress, you can just edit the file wp-config.php and look for DB_HOST. Then change the value there.

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Error establishing a database connection

Site: https://olimpcenter.fit/

hi admin mine is also down http://jeancare.great-site.net/

And… it’s gone again!

So I was able to get an actual error message now:

Warning: mysqli_real_connect(): php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Temporary failure in name resolution in REMOVED on line REMOVED

So it does appear that this is indeed a problem caused by the nameservers. Because of this, changing the database hostname on your site should help eliminate some of these issues:


The site worked for a moment, but after 5 minutes it broke again :frowning:

Hi Admin!

the DATABASE is down at my site also:

i’ve tried to change the DB HOST from epizy to infinitifreeapp but still the same error…

thank you!!

Sorry Admin, http://dijitalakil.rf.gd/
Cant reach my database. Hope my database is okey. Many thanks, help please…

SOLVED! Thank you very much.

----I can’t acces my website. It just shows the word “Error”. Nothing about the kind of issue. Checked my control panel and database is missing…

I thought I was the only one having this problem…

http://dindagamiskudus.rf.gd/ ← still error ( php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: )

Thank you all for sharing the URLs, but I think we have enough now to identify the issue. We know it’s a nameserver issue. Please don’t share any more URLs about the database connection / php_network_getaddresses errors.

I have checked your code but the database host still seems to be epizy.com (in db.php).

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because i returned it to normal after nothing changed…

now it’s infinityfreeapp.com and the same error…

Any good news?

a database is connectivity is off… Yes, we report it right away so they should be fixing it soon… It is an also great free service for me so far.

My website is down too…! https://skillvire.ga/
Error establishing database connection… 502 error… I have the database backups and website backup too. I hope it resolves soon…!