Epizy.com & Database Server is down

SOLVED! Thank you very much.

solved… Run backup database As Soon As Possible …

@Admin If you use the cpanel.infinityfreeapp.com as cPanel domain in the future, it might be better to update the SSL certificate so that people trust more and are not afraid to enter their data

If I do this will my site go back online? Or is Spizy going to fix it

My site - https://empreendernobrasil.online/

Sir I am getting error you can see.

I am getting same problem since morning.

For me, when I click the Control Panel button, this error message comes back NET::ERR_CERT_DATE_INVALID on website cpanel.infinityfreeapp.com, attackers might try to steal your data, and chrome asks me whether I’m sure to wanna continue.

My actual website is up and running perfectly fine though.

Are we certain of this not being due to an external attack? Because I have been through the very similar situation that happened with 000webhost some years ago, and we all know what the end result was with that.

same problem database not respoding

No, that isn’t an attack. Probably Epizy’s SSL services are currently not functioning correctly. This may be related with Epizy servers which are currently down, affecting cPanel, Epizy nameservers and domains, and InifinityFree databases.

Such issues are expected to occur occasionally on free website hosting services.


The account creation problem was solved but the database not

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The issues should now be fixed though.

According to iFastNet, they all stemmed from an internal DNS issue.

They say that issue has been fixed, and the broken nameserver seems to be back up too.

The hosting API seems to be up again, and a couple of the sites I checked were all working.

Yes, 100% sure it was not an attack. This was an internal issue.

That said, do note that some companies/people blame every issue on a “DDoS attack” even though they broke it themselves.

It should have a working SSL certificate already. I blindly assumed that it did when changing the control panel host in the client area.

https://cpanel.epizy.com is back up now though, so I’ve reverted that in the clienet area.


what about database

I have 2 subdomain , 1 subdomain is working well , but other one still broken. when i open the control panel, it say : “maintenance is underway on your server , you will see your site offline …”, is this still progress or what ?

Im making a chat room for my site, But cant make subdomain

I tried to change database host name from sql212.epizy.com to sql212.infinityfreeapp.com but nothing effect to my site as I tried to ping the new db server, but it’s not reachable

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Some websites have a working database and others are still having problems utill it get fixed

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Just for future reference, free users cannot create support tickets, I’m sorry

Please remember that live chats are not allowed, forums are welcome though!

It seems this issue is getting fixed, then failing again. Note that iFastNet is aware of the issue, and it should hopefully be solved soon.

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It is fixed for me…
cpanel.epizy.com works fine now
And my epizy website works fine too. (coolplace.epizy.com)

mine’s still not working… I’ve already changed by DB_HOST name

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