[SOLVED] Rf.gd domain name is down

What does this line mean in one of the images posted above.

“Registry Expiry Date : 2020-08-25”

it means that this domain is going to expire on 25/08/2020, @Admin will renew it,so no worries

The Issue Is Resolved,

All the sub domains resolving rf.gd are working back again including https://cpanel.rf.gd


Thank you @Technical.Legendz for that but I tried before and I am willing to try again. I had different errors. one of the ones which I cannot get over is the problem mentioned by @luciensabre “We can’t verify you as a person.”, I registered and verified email and it didn’t work. I am trying again, what name servers and IPs should I put there?
and I also should mention that while checking out once it said that it would email me, seeing that the email hadn’t arrive , I went there today, and I am unsure what to put in those boxes. Thank you.

What if someone is the enemy of our Admin and Infinityfree.net and they are doing these stuff. I don’t know much so, please excuse any ignorance. Because He is in this, he might have enemies in this business. of course he has.

Don’t worry, By some law the registry have to be non bias. No one would purposely do this


The domain name was taken down due to a legitimate abuse complaint. I know this because the reporter sent the report to both us and to the registry. However, by the time I saw the complaint, the domain name was already down.

Registries have the responsibility to both provide sustainable homes for domain names and the people and businesses who rely on it, and to ensure malicious domain names are taken down promptly. If they make a mistake with that second responsibility, they violate the first one. That is what happened here.

Registries playing favorites and taking down businesses they don’t like is a great way to get their license revoked by ICANN so a more neutral party can manage the domain extension instead.


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