SSL is not enabled

but what about the last step telling to complete your setup!

This One
A few more steps are required to complete your setup.
Make sure all A, AAAA, and CNAME records pointing to proxied records are also proxied to avoid exposing your origin IP

I said, all CNAME records are proxied, so don’t do that again, because it’s already done. Instead, hide that message or don’t show it again.

Okay i done it that u says!!! but i want to change *Flexible to 8 *Full Right??

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If that is set to “Flexible”. If it isn’t leave it alone.

okay ok ok ok…! *My site succesfully working !!! But i not changed flexible to full ! it is compoulsory to set flexible to full???

With the “Flexible” option, Cloudflare will connect to your server with HTTP, and may cause a redirect loop with some configurations trying to use the HTTPS URL.
With the “Full” option, Cloudflare will connect to your server with HTTPS (seen that our servers support SSL certificates), but will not validate the certificate. So, seen that our servers support SSL certificate installation and have a self-signed certificate by default, I suggest you use the “Full” option.

Okay Fine! But I have 1 doubt . Before few days i sign up on hosting site and then i create cloudflare account and its a flexible !! And i install wordpress on my previous hosting site ! And after installing i intsalled a *Flexible plugin on my wordpresss account ! So could i clear this !! i cant understand what to do???

To install WordPress with SSL on a hosting account on our service, first of all change the SSL option to “Full” on the Cloudflare dashboard. Then go to your Control Panel, and install WordPress through the Softaculous Apps Installer, making sure you select https as protocol, and removing wp on the folder selection. After that configure it as you would, and you’re done installing WordPress!

okay! fine i installed a *Flexible plugin on my wordpress ! so i delete it nor keep it up???

If you use the “Full” option on the Cloudflare dashboard, you must remove that plugin immediately (or else all features won’t work as expected), and change the URL on the WordPress settings to use HTTPS on both the Site URL and the WordPress URL. Then save the changes on the WordPress settings.

how can i change the url settings in wordpress??

Here’s a video:

Okay! After this i want to install any plugin???

Seen that you enabled “Always Use HTTPS”, no, you don’t want to install any plugin to force SSL on your website.

No! i am asking i want to install any plugin on wordpress ??? like cloud flare plugin!

You can install any plugins that you want, but not Cloudflare Flexible SSL plugins.

Ok! Fine Accept !!! But now i am intsalling wordpress and in *choose protocol * (option) i chosen https://
but its says (A trusted SSL Certificate was not found) Please what should i do now?

Ignore it, because it’s trying to use the self-signed certificate, and continue with the installation.

But what i have to choose on this option???

On the Protocol option? Leave it as it you set before, ignore that SSL warning, and continue with customizing the Site Name and the Description, Admin Username, Password and Email. After that, scroll down and click on “Install”.