This is getting real annoying

No i guess (I’m not sure)

I have a test site to learn how to install cloudflare. okay what do I do next?

can I leave as is?

my fingers are crossed. I had reduced number of plugins installed to 21

still can’t now even after activation

not this again

I had already deleted more plugins. mind me my account lasted few weeks without a suspension back when I had more plugins installed. and buddypress and wpuf was installed back then

this really needs to be fixed api is broken

is the algorithm using my past record?

I am really starting to suspect its asset clean up. can you confirm this for me?

I heard increasing memory limit can fix the issue. how do I increase the memory limit?

Memory limit is locked to 158MB and can’t be increased.

i see. I am getting real frustrated. The thing most annoying is there weren’t any visitors the past few days

can I disable cron job then?

how can I optimize your scripts to reduce usage?

i never suspended before (even i have 9 plugins now). so don’t know.


9 plugins is actually a small number imo

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wait I heard minify can actually increase cpu usage if not configured properly. does combining before minify/Aggregate actually increase cpu usage?

@PsyNyaNade I am sorry, I really have -100% idea on what is going on here.
AFAIK the mofh api is fine rn so can you try to rename the plugins folder to something else? and we will start to investigate

What is even more odd is I have another account with a similar number of plugins installed and it only got suspended once
How do I access the plugin folder? And do I have to reinstall the plugins I deleted to replicate the problem? I really don’t want to hit my suspension limit. Took me ages to to find out how to configure buddy press. Site is a project I been working on for a while

go to htdocs/wp-content and you will see a plugins folder, rename the folder to psynyanade or something for a while, which should stop the plugins from working,and we can investigate


okay. what ever it was about my previous configuration it actually helped reduce cpu used

can I disable cron jobs?